Aver SDK Launch — What You Need to Know

4 min readOct 5, 2022


Aver’s Software Development Kits are out now. Here’s everything you need to know.

We just released our open-source Python and Typescript Software Development Kits (SDKs)! What are YOU going to build?

Our SDKs take away the majority of the complexity of interacting with the blockchain — making it easier for developers to build on top of the Aver protocol.

You can jump in right away and start experimenting with ways to interact with the world’s first universal liquidity and settlement protocol for betting and prediction markets.

Our Integration Guide covers everything you need to get started.

What can you do with our SDKs?

When interacting with the Aver protocol, the possibilities are endless. Here are some key use cases for our SDKs:

Build Automated Betting and Trading Strategies

Do you want to build models to predict winning teams and outcomes, or arbitrage between on and off-chain exchanges? Our SDKs enable you to do so.

With multiple data streams coming in from several different platforms, you want to make sure your program/bot can also access Aver. Our SDKs make it easy to pull data from Aver and take actions quickly and efficiently.

Build your own Frontend or Application — Leave everything else to the Aver Protocol

Do you have any great ideas for how a sports betting or prediction market application should look and feel? Our SDKs allow you to build one in seconds.

Do you want to build the ultimate MMA trading interface?

Or, maybe you want to build a prediction marketplace for speculating on temperatures in different regions of the world?

Whatever it is, build it and leave everything else to the Aver protocol.

Reach out to the team to discuss what markets and liquidity you’d like to cater for.

Become the ‘Bookie’ — Plug in your Market Making Strategies

Our SDK’s make it easy to contribute to Aver by providing liquidity and market making on upcoming events. You can do this for Aver Exchange or any other applications built on top of the Aver protocol!

Market makers are individuals/firms that actively provide odds for markets, providing bids and asks along with the market size of each. To do this, they provide liquidity and depth to markets. As a result, they can profit from the difference in the bid-ask price.

If you’re eager to get started on market making, talk to the team about how we can help.

How Simple is it?

Very. Normally, calling a function on the protocol requires several lines of code. But our SDKs keeps it short and simple.

Our SDK code includes pre-built client-side checks to prevent loss of transaction fees in case of program errors. Furthermore, the SDKs are programmed to efficiently load multiple markets and refresh them as fast as possible - something that would be extremely difficult to implement otherwise.

Here are two examples of how simple the SDK functions are:

Place Order

Place an order to buy outcome 1 at a price of 0.5 and size of 10.

signature = await uma.place_order(


0, #Outcome 1






Cancel Order

Cancel the first order in an array.

my_order_id = uma.user_market_state.orders[0].order_id

signature = await uma.cancel_order(



0, #We placed an order on outcome 1



Resources to Get Started

We’ve created an SDK Integration Guide for developers to understand how the Aver protocol works and how to build on top of it. The following links will be useful to start with:

Need Help?

Join our Discord server and claim a Developer role in the #claim-role channel.

Once you’ve claimed the Developer role, you can discuss all things SDK and ask for any support on the #Aver-SDK channels.

If you feel like the Integration Guide provided is missing context in any cases, or you would like more detailed examples to follow, please reach out to the team and let us know.

Aver is here to help you learn, build and innovate.

If you’d like to be part of the future of Aver, sign up for our Newsletter, follow our Twitter, or join our Discord.




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